Financial Ratios

These terms help you to zero in on areas of your business that may need attention. Areas such as solvency, liquidity, operational efficiency, and profitability.

Total current assets

This is any cash or asset that can be quickly turned into cash. This includes prepaid expenses, accounts receivable, most securities and your inventory.


Total current liabilities

This is a liability in the immediate future. This includes wages, taxes, and accounts payable.


Total long term assets

This includes buildings and equipment (less depreciation), real estate and other assets that are not readily turned into income or cash.


Total long term liabilities

This includes mortgage, deferred taxes, notes payable and other long term liabilities.



Total sales for the period.



Total balance in your accounts receivable.


Cost of goods sold

This is the total cost of the raw materials, supplies and labor required to produce your product for the period.

Operating expenses

Your selling, administrative and other expenses used to run your business but not directly associated with the creation of you product.


Interest expense

Your total interest expense for the period.



Total inventory which includes normal inventory, safety stock and work in process.


Other income

Any other income your company receives that was not through its operations. This includes the sale of appreciated property or securities.


Gross profits

Gross profits are your profits for the period before operating expenses, fixed expenses, taxes or interest. This is calculated as your sales minus your cost of goods sold.


Operating income

Total income generated from your operations, after operating expenses but before interest and taxes.


Net income before taxes

Your income before taxes. This amount includes income not generated directly from your operations such as income generated from financial investments.

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