Financial Education
AIIC supports businesses
with financial education.

AIIC has curated a list of helpful definitions that business owners can use to help calculate their finances. Click on the links below to learn more about the different financial tools.
Breakeven Analysis
Find out how many and at what price you must sell your product to make a profit.
Cash Flow Calculator
Having adequate cash flow is essential to keep your business running. Use this calculator to help you determine the cash flow generated by your business.
Financial Ratios
This calculator helps you to zero in on areas of your business that may need attention. Areas such as solvency, liquidity, operational efficiency and profitability.
Profit Margin Calculator
This calculator can help you determine the selling price for your products to achieve the desired profit margin.
Working Capital Needs
Working capital is essential to running your business. This calculator assists you in determining your working capital needs for the next year.