Our brand is rooted in education. From the services we offer to the youth programming, to the support we provide, part of our mandate is to share valuable knowledge for the benefit of others and our community.

AIIC offers two memorial scholarships: The Sam Bull Memorial Scholarship (studies in Law & Political Science) and The Senator James Gladstone Memorial Scholarship (studies in Business, Finance or Economics). These scholarships are for status First Nation students currently enrolled in post-secondary programs. The funds of these scholarships are awarded to Alberta First Nation students who exhibited dedication and excellence to academics.
Sam Bull Memorial Scholarship
For Studies in Law & Political Science
How to Apply
Applicants are required to apply for the Sam Bull Memorial Scholarship by contacting our office. Students must prepare a 100 to 200 word statement of personal and academic objectives, which should emphasize how their proposed course of study will contribute to First Nation community development in Canada.
Download and fill out the form above, and send to AIIC by:
• Filling out electronically and emailing to [email protected],
• Printing and faxing to 780-470-3605, or
• Printing and mailing to P.O. Box 790, Enoch, Alberta. T7X 3Y3.
Remember to include a copy of your status card, your statement of objectives and a certified copy of your transcripts with your application form.
The deadline for applications is February 15 of each school year.
Proof of acceptance to an eligible institution is not required with the application, but must be produced before the award will be released. For further information or application forms for this scholarship, please contact the Alberta Indian Investment Corporation (AIIC). *The Alberta Indian Investment Corporation reserves the right to change or terminate this scholarship at its own discretion.
Selection Process
A selection committee will evaluate all applications and their decision regarding the winner of the scholarship will be considered final. Each applicant will be considered using such criteria as strong academic performance, chosen area of study in relation to First Nation community development and future career aspirations.
The AIIC will contact the winners by March 30th to advise them of the Committee’s decision.
Payment of Awards
The award will be given for excellence in a program of studies at the university level — $1,000.00
The award will be paid directly to the winner and will be presented by March 30th, based upon the results of the previous semester.
Senator James Gladstone Memorial Scholarship
For Studies in Business, Finance or Economics
How to Apply
Applicants are required to apply for the Senator James Gladstone Memorial Scholarship by contacting our Office. Students must prepare a 100 to 200 word statement of personal and academic objectives which should emphasize how their proposed course of study will contribute to First Nation economic and business development in Canada.
Download and fill out the form above, and send to AIIC by:
• Filling out electronically and emailing to [email protected],
• Printing and faxing to 780-470-3605, or
• Printing and mailing to P.O. Box 790, Enoch, Alberta. T7X 3Y3.
Remember to include a copy of your status card, your statement of objectives and a certified copy of your transcripts with your application form.
The deadline for applications is February 15 of each school year.
Proof of acceptance to an eligible institution is not required with the application, but must be produced before the award will be released. For further information or application forms for this scholarship, please contact the Alberta Indian Investment Corporation (AIIC). *The Alberta Indian Investment Corporation reserves the right to change or terminate this scholarship at its own discretion.
Selection Process
A selection committee will evaluate all applications and their decision regarding the winner of the scholarships will be considered final.
Each applicant will be considered using such criteria as:
• Strong academic performance
• Chosen area of study in relation to First Nation business/economic development
• Future career aspirations
Payment of Awards
Awards will be given for the following:
• For excellence in a program of studies at a college or technical institution — $750.00
• For excellence in a program of studies at the university level — $1,000.00
The awards will be paid directly to the winner and will be awarded by the end of March, based upon the results of the previous semester.