Alberta Aboriginal Youth Camp

The Alberta Aboriginal Youth Entrepreneur Camp (AAYEC) teaches the basics of small business start-up and operation, business financing, and the importance of teamwork to achieve a common goal.
A Week at AAYEC
Throughout the week at AAYEC, the youth participate in self discovery sessions and business development courses instructed by the AAYEC facilitators. This year, Design Thinking was utilized as a tool to assist the participants with their team formations. Design Thinking is the cognitive process from which design concepts (e.g. ideas for products) emerge. Once the teams were established, the groups then began learning about the Lean Business Model Canvas and filling in each segment to develop their business idea that would later be presented to the Judge’s Panel on the final day of camp.
A great portion of the camp was focused on the Aboriginal culture. Through the cultural technicians Elders, the participants were taught different aspects of Aboriginal culture such as spirituality, art, and survival skills. Sharing circles were conducted each morning that allowed participants, facilitators, visitors and the Elders to share their life experiences personally and professionally. Through the cultural components of AAYEC, the participants were able to grow individually and become a close Network.
From beginning to end, the camp was filled with learning experiences, fun activities, adventures and guest speakers. Without these components of the camp, AAYEC would not have been such a great success!
“The most comprehensive aboriginal entrepreneur camp I've ever experienced! A brilliant opportunity for youth to be inspired, empowered and gain relevant knowledge in developing a business plan. So blessed to be a part of such a fantastic tool box of resources for aboriginal youth to become successful in business!”
—Charlene Schatz, Chara
Coaching, AAYEC 2018 Guest Speaker
How to Apply
We are pleased to inform you that this year Alberta Indian Investment Corporation conducting the Aboriginal Youth Camp - AAYEC 2022 and registration are open.
The AAYEC is a camp open to Aboriginal Youth between the ages of 18-39 who reside in Alberta. There is no charge for participation as all travel and retreat costs will be paid by AAYEC and its sponsors.
Camp Dates: June 20 - 26, 2022 at at Camp Nakamun
Early registration is recommended. The maximum number of participants for the 2022 camp will be 24. Interested participants will go through a selection committee, screening process and phone interview.
Previous business experience is not required but a desire to learn with a great attitude and a willingness to work as a team member is considered a great asset.
Each participant will be required to provide two references, and complete medical and other forms which will be sent by mail once your application is accepted and approved. Applications are accepted until June 10, 2022.
Download and fill out the form above, and send to AIIC by:
• Filling out electronically and emailing to [email protected]
• Printing and faxing to 780-470-3605, or
• Printing and mailing to AAYEC c/o Alberta Indian Investment Corporation. P.O. Box 790. Enoch, Alberta T7X 3Y3
For further information, please contact reception, AIIC
Office at 780-470-3600 or [email protected]